It is our desire for each child to be greatly enriched for having attended Round Rock Christian Academy. The curriculum is rooted in a God-centered view of life, allowing students the opportunity to understand themselves and the world around them from a biblical perspective. The integration of biblical faith and learning is the responsibility and primary function of each teacher at RRCA. We desire to select the best instructional materials available from Christian and secular publishers in order to achieve our overall goals.
In addition to covering all basics and fundamentals in academics, students receive instruction in chapel/Bible study, music/fine arts, foreign language, art, physical education, learning centers, creative play, library, and computers.
All students in Kindergarten through twelfth grades take the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) test series each spring. Results are published in our annual Parent/Student Handbook, with RRCA consistently performing above the national and state norms for more than twenty years.