Early Childhood
We believe that early childhood is a critical time in the development of children’s foundational perceptions of themselves, of others, and of our Lord, and have established a program designed to meet the needs of young children and to promote their development both spiritually and educationally.
Basing our beliefs on Scripture, particularly on the directive of the Lord Jesus to “Let the little children to come to me, and do not hinder them” (Luke 18:16), we believe that young children have the ability and desire to begin a relationship with their God. Spiritual development occurs through the children’s relationships with teachers whose words and actions demonstrate God’s love and who integrate the truths of God’s character throughout the daily activities (Deuteronomy 6:7). Additionally, children discover the nature of God’s love and power through biblical accounts of His acts throughout history, presented as accurate recordings of actual events (2 Timothy 3:16). Children are given opportunities to respond to what they learn in daily times of worship through singing and prayer.
The program at Round Rock Christian Academy is based on a belief that God created each child a unique individual with his or her own developmental timetable. Thus we accept each child as an individual, allowing for differences in skills and interests while encouraging well-rounded development in every facet of the child’s life. The primary source of learning for young children is play, in which they have opportunities to explore the world around them and to develop new levels of competence. Their play and academic experiences enable children to organize and understand themselves and their world. Because learning is an interactive process, teachers prepare an environment in which children may learn through active exploration and interaction with adults, with other children, and with materials. Since children learn most effectively through concrete materials and activities, the curriculum is designed to provide firsthand experiences in a variety of subject areas.
The Early Childhood program at RRCA is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and Advanced ED. As an accredited program, RRCA is exempt from obtaining state licensing. RRCA Administration and faculty are committed to monitoring the Early Childhood program to ensure that the program is in compliance with state accreditation standards.