Admission Information and Forms

We invite you to visit the Round Rock Christian Academy campus to learn what RRCA has to offer for families seeking a college-preparatory education with a biblical worldview.  RRCA seeks to educate the whole child and desires that every student come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Our goal is to partner with parents and provide a safe, loving environment for each student to learn and grow in their faith. To achieve this, RRCA policy states that at least one parent/guardian is a Christian who has placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, God’s son. The complete Admissions policy is a part of the Parent/Student Handbook.

Schedule a Tour

Families are welcome to contact the Admissions office to learn more about the Admissions process and tour the campus.  Students in grades 3rd and older also have the opportunity to “shadow” for a half day to experience the life of a Crusader by attending classes, interacting with faculty, and meeting students in their grade level.  Contact our Admissions staff today to schedule a visit or campus tour ( or call 512-255-4491).

Admissions Open House

Each January we have an Admission Open House to allow prospective families to visit the campus, view curriculum, meet the faculty, and attend a preview session with Administration.  The New Family Application Packet provides more details on the Admissions Process.

Admission Forms

RRCA is pleased to begin offering a new online Admissions/Enrollment process: