The High Call Choir (high school) performs and competes with confidence befitting a group that has earned many awards and accolades. After decades of earning Superior Ratings and Sweepstakes Awards, in 2016 and 2019 they were named TAPPS 3A Vocal Champions Runners Up. In 2017, 2018, 2022 AND 2023, they earned the title of TAPPS 3A Vocal Champions by receiving Superior ratings in Concert, Sight Reading, Show Choir, and in numerous solo and ensemble events. This choir sings, knowing they have a gifting and a calling from God and use their talents for His Glory. They enjoy preparing, rehearsing, and performing every year in RRCA’s Spring Show; most recently performing Beauty & the Beast, Les Misérables, The Lion King, Guys & Dolls, Hamilton, and Aladdin.
The Joyful Sounds Choir is made up of 7th and 8th graders who love to sing, compete, and be in the spotlight. They have participated in TPSMEA Honor Choirs, Solo Contest, and perform at places such as the Texas Capitol, The Dell Diamond, The Texas Baptist Children’s Home, Six Flags Fiesta Texas, as well as area homes for the elderly. This enthusiastic group performs with abundant joy and fully lives up to their beautiful name! They have most recently performed Annie, Alice in Wonderland, Frozen, and Willy Wonka for RRCA’s Spring Show.
Both High Call and Joyful Sounds Choir classes are split into two sections. Half of the class focuses on classical choral instruction while the other half focuses on Musical Theater, production and movement.
- Choral Direction: Alex D’Amico
- Musical Theater Direction: Brandy Johnson